Multi Game Card is now available at PlayMall
Multi Game Card is now available at PlayMall and you can reload MGC to your favorite game using PlayMall wallet. Redeem the Multi Game Card with PlayMall to get access to digital content on your favorite online games! Multi Game Card or MGC gives you the instant payment advantage of CONTINUE READING
Purchase Multi Game Card with your Smart mobile credits
We are pleased to announce that Multi Game Card is now purchasable through Smart Mobile Credits! With 200+ games and growing, you can now top up easily with MGC. Multi Game Card is a leading cash-based alternative payment platform for online games, virtual goods and digital content. It provides an CONTINUE READING
There’s an easier way to get Multi game Card
We're pleased to inform that you can start purchasing Multi Game Card with your GLOBE Load! Just text MGC Help and send to 2656. (Available for Globe & TM subscribers only) Where to use: MGC Games. Multi Game Card is a leading cash-based alternative payment platform for online games, virtual CONTINUE READING